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    A novel and soundtrack by

    E. R. Traina

    E. R. Traina

    E. R. Traina is an Italian poet, author and translator. She was born in April 1990 in a Sicilian family in Brianza, a place she endured for more than twenty years thanks to frequent trips to her local library and to Milan, where she fell in love with poetry, literature and theatre.


    She sings and plays the guitar and the accordion, inspired by Irish folk and Mediterranean and South American music. She wanders around, following her projects or the changing of seasons; sometimes she leaves Europe, but she usually comes back.


    She loves islands and ports, and beginning her sentences with “but”. But she hopes people don’t mind.

    Amarantha book.png

    The English translation of Amarantha
    by Marinella Mezzanotte has been published
    by Kurumuru Books, a Norwich-based publisher
    in the UK.

    Head over to
    to find out more.


    If you wish to contact E. R. Traina, write to: (at)

    © 2021 E. R. Traina

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